Monday, February 11, 2013

Diagnosing Food Intolerance

We have all heard about the severity of food allergies; that those afflicted can suffer shock or even death after ingesting the smallest amount of the food type they are allergic to. Tree nuts, shellfish, gluten, dairy, and other meats and fishes may be the culprit causing the allergy. Most of the time, these people do not realize they have the allergy until ingesting it for the first time, and suffering an attack and an emergency room visit. After this, the individual is well aware of their newly found allergy and is given strict instructions to stay away from the allergy-causing food altogether.

But there is a less severe form of this "allergy" to foods called food intolerance that makes eating uncomfortable or painful. Like a food allergy, most suffering from this intolerance don't even realize they have it. Because the symptoms are so much less severe, the person with the intolerance often don't make the connection between the symptoms and the food ingested. Some common symptoms include:
  • Minor abdominal cramps, spasms
  • Headache
  • Occasional fatigue
  • Skin rash, eczema
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Digestive system problems
  • Running nose/ watering eyes
  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea
  • Exhaustion
  • Chills
  • Occasional constipation
Unlike a food allergy, the symptoms of a food intolerance can be controlled and treated, and the person afflicted can still eat the foods that they love, as long as some precautions are being taken. Diamine Oxidase is a chemical enzyme created in the human body that battles the effects of food intolerance. Using a Diamine Oxidase supplement decreases histamine levels, lowering the adverse effects caused by food intolerance.

A New Way To Support A Greener Future

Coming up with new and innovative ways to support the "green" movement that has recently taken over popular culture. In the past, this meant to take the small steps: ride a bike more often, carpool, utilize public transportation, replace wasteful bulbs with CFLs, and other small steps to help erase our own individual carbon footprints. The first steps have been quite successful, and now we can concentrate on helping with the bigger steps that need to be taken. These steps include supporting programs that save endangered animal and fauna species, protect natural habitats and resources, commit to less deforestation, and other problems that are much bigger than reducing the carbon footprint of individuals.

Taking these bigger steps has become much easier with companies like United Way and Nature's Vision Fundraising. Nature's Vision Fundraising is especially perfect for individuals who want to support Nature programs as an individual donator. Opposed to employee donations, these personal donations are much more personalized, you can take your pick of which program you would like to support, the donation is placed accordingly and you will receive a free gift that reflects your donation. T-shirts, keychains, and other promotional items -- all reflecting naturalism and sustainable values.

In addition to these personalized donations, Nature's Vision Fundraising provides fundraising ideas for schools and communities; perfect for gathering a community together to work towards a good cause, and brighter future.

Visit to learn more about the fundraising programs offered, and other great, green fundraising ideas.